Unconditional love for all.

A Heart in you is a heart in me

The oceans are dancing with the moon’s release and the suns revitalizing energy as we ride the waves of our grief in this life.

Bringing release and clarity to those who....

Feel it.

See it.

Live in it..

Those who are awakened and hungry for it.

The wonderful thing about writing about the rising feminine energy is that there are so many beautiful, soulful, courageous, feminine beings in this world.

They have yet to even discover their voice and share with everyone who they are and I am excited to see what is in store for humanity.

I have to say there is a beautiful team of beings in my world, who see who I truly am, and those beings have known me for lifetimes.

I am brought back to a time in the summer of 2018.

I was camping with a group of woman our children and the one token husband who I believe shared the same mutual feelings for us all.

We all mirrored each other in so many different aspects and I remember sitting on the rocks by the water and thinking to myself; I am grateful for this moment, right here, right now.

Sun shining, our children playing and being kids, breathing in the fresh air that came from the mountains to the west of us and feeling blessed for the moment I was in.

It no longer breaks my heart to say this group of ladies and gent, no longer hold each other the ways we all thought we once did.

Did we?

Or were we constantly pointing out the things inside ourselves that we hated and then projected our reaction onto each other?

I suppose this answer is one of perception.

Over the last few years I have endured immense heartache, from lovers to friends to family losses, family relationship dynamic changes and within each of these relationships, there was and is a grief and a loss from it all.

Upon calling my energies back to me and claiming them as my own, I no longer hold the responsibility of the version of me that stands out for anyone.

For all the feminine energy in this world, the sisterhood is uniting in a very different way than ever before.

Words are spoken with more clarity, intuition is strong, intention is authentic and felt in the heart space.

For I am your sister and no matter where you come from, what you did, what color your skin is or the language you speak.

I love you and you are amazing.

I once lived in a mindset that I truly believed that the positive things about me I gained from others, whom I would spend countless hours conscious and unconscious of all of my decisions that I was making.

As humans I believe we have become accustom to the programming truly brought on by a net group of humans that legit have control over the smallest, yet simplest forms of life.

It is the view on love.

On peace.

On Unity.

I have spent the better part of the last three years going through all of my "positive" and "negative" life choices.

My darkness had overpowered my light and with this gift I have learned as above so below.

Now please note my that my language may be specific to a target audience at this time in our modern day.

AND I do have hope that one day my words resonate with every human to an extent in someway shape or form.

My name is Mama Tess. I am a spiritual leader in human form.

I lead with my heart chakra and play close attention to my mental and physical symptoms and I used to view this as a downfall in the "personality" of this human avatar that I now embody in this life.

On October 2, 2018, I woke up and began my day like I always had. I had my three alarms that would go off and I would hit snooze on each of them.


I would begin by reviewing my every single step I had made the day before, surrounded by worry of not being of authentic service to others, placing myself at the bottom of the list.

The key to this, is I had been wrapped up in a hurricanes of emotion that I kept pushing and locking up in a box to be dealt with at another time.

Experiences throughout life that I kept pushing down and farther down.

Hurricane Tessa came out when I stepped out on the that night, in full force. You see, when I was a teen I was involved in competitive figure skating.

I did it until I was diagnosed with Ecoli in my kidney and had to place my health first and found it very difficult to get back into and placed energy into my studies and friends.

When I was 34 I decided to sign up and get back to my roots and become familiar to what used to ground me, back to 2018.

I stepped on the ice and remembered the feeling of comfort that was brought on by just the smell of ice in the hockey arena.

I remember pushing forward with each stride of my blades on the ice, I picked up speed from the mix of excitement and confidence that was building within the comfort level and my mind kept racing and racing.

I was having an argument with my guides in my head and guess what?

My awakening catapulted me farther that I could have ever imagined.

I closed my eyes as I was turning the corner at the end of the rink and closed my eyes and remember opening them up and I was lying on the ice with my head flung to the ground, not just once, twice and fast. I did not offer my body the stillness in the moment, nor open to accept the help that was offered.

At the time, I thought I lost, for little did I know I had been found.

A ingle mother to a beautiful soul, had my home open to my sisters, we lived within a community based atmosphere.

This awakening was the beginning of major transitions in my life.

I held an extremely respectable and high opportunistic role in my professional life which encased a tremendous amount of stress that I now see this last few years as a blessing and in so many ways and since isolation of humanity.

The weeks that followed taught me that I have a divine connection with spirit and instead of running from it for the rest of my life I am embracing it.

It all resides within....with the help of some hard learned tools.

I felt compelled and placed boundaries within my personal life with guidance of the higher self.

I believe the people who really know me, love this about me.

This is me, this are my words.

I am alive.

I am here, I

am grateful for the experiences and people that lead me to where I am in this now moment and for the beings of support that have helped me and encourage me to keep strong within my will to help people.

I want to help educate each one of us in so many areas. Mental Health (ALL ASPECTS), helping bring the Feminine Energy and sacred d sexuality into a world where so much intention is skewed and misunderstood.

The Immune System and how our body functions and how we can welcome stability and balance. Educate about vibrational therapy, supplemental support, the practice with plant medicines.

The saying that we don't live in a world of butterflies and rainbows is something I strongly challenge!!

Do you slow yourself enough to see the Rainbows and butterflies?

Do you offer the vessel the breathes is requires to hear the birds singing to each other, calling from one end of nature to another?

I welcome you to see the perspective to live in a world where time is energy and where the energy of money will no longer feed greed and ego.

Don't feel too bad, you reside in a human avatar as well.

We have a lot to say and I do hope this brings a good amount of curiosity on my journey of finding my Values and Beliefs, implementing them into my day to day practice; while rising to the true Divine Wild Feminine that I am.

Thank you for reading my expression from my heart.

xo Mama Tess